Over the course of eight years, Bulldog Drummond worked as an innovation partner with various teams at World Vision on a broad range of innovation and brand challenges. During our partnership, we looked at how to reframe significant platforms (like the 30 Hour Famine), how to educate American’s about the devastation of HIV/AIDS, how to reimagine child sponsorship, how to think about micro-finance and how to develop an internal innovation lab for corporate partners—to name just a few.
The strategic and creative concept for the traveling HIV exhibit was successfully launched as a result of our work together, raising over $50 million and U.S. understanding. We created the ACT:S brand and the “We Are Activism” engagement experience at Urbana that rocked the conference. We developed Tribe, World Vision’s first interactive game for the 30 Hour Famine that helped American kids learn about life in Africa. We designed Hungry as a standalone consumer brand platform that incorporated the TOMS model before there was TOMS. We developed the strategy and framework for the T3 Institute for innovation, bringing executives from industry, high-net worth donors and entrepreneurs together to solve major issues. And for the crowd, we developed the Voices brand as a new platform to elevate the artist’s program.
“Bulldog started their journey with us on a 2004 trip to Malawi. Inspired by World Vision, they changed their path as a business and helped us to think about how to change ours. They challenged us to think beyond the expected and the normal, and made us uncomfortable with the status quo.”
—Steve Haas, Chief Catalyst