The Night Owls

The best part of venturing out in the wee hours of the morning is seeing things from a new perspective. The daily grind can often take hold of our lives and we lose connection with what it means to be human. Exploration. Intrigue. Imagination. Discovery. Looking at things—anything really—through a different lens can have a marked effect on how we think and behave.

If You Want to Be Interesting Be Interested

Night adventures can be an exercise in persistence and determination. It feels great to be in the comfort of our homes, throw something on the tube and just sit. But I have always been happy that I made the effort to get up and get out. As Ansel Adams said, “In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration.” So get up! Get out and see what you can find while the rest of the world sleeps.

Follow Your Curiosity

Perhaps the best thing about late night adventures is the juxtaposition. Exploring an area of the city that we interact with during the day, being bewildered by how beautiful and mysterious the same location is at night. It teaches you to look beyond face value, sparks imagination and boosts creativity while changing your perception of common spaces.

With the oversaturation of people in the creative industry, doing mediocre work is not an option. There is a need to stand apart and do things differently. Seeing everything in a different light is crucial to creating good design. As with any good things in life, good design requires hard work. It’s not always easy to get yourself up and out – but seeing the world from a different perspective allows you to see life in a fresh, new way. Push yourself and trust what will come out of the struggle.    

Garrett Patz is a Senior Design Thinker at Bulldog Drummond. Focused, fastidious and quietly confident, his aesthetic is driven by his passion for honest and thoughtful design. On his free time you can find him spending time with his family of four, hiking throughout Southern California and venturing on road trips to explore new destinations.

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