Spread Infectious Joy: How Simple Acts Of Kindness Can Build Brand Loyalty

American businesses have more loyalty cards and programs than the rest of humanity combined—and for the most part these programs are meaningless. Brands spend millions of dollars every year on programs that don’t move the needle or make a difference in their customers’ lives. Having worked for many brands where we look at loyalty and the consumer relationship as an opportunity to create value and build relationships, there is always room to shift the lens from creating customer loyalty (which seems dated) to showing appreciation for their consideration and their business.

Design acts of kindness and appreciation at various and meaningful points in the relationship with your customers, your employees and your loved ones.

For JOY to live on the inside, it must start at the top

Leading with a vision, leading by example, inspiring by teaching and setting clear expectations for your employees are leadership skills that move people and drive top line performance.

For JOY to live on the outside, it must start on the inside

How can you expect the people who serve your customers to be excited about their jobs, and both passionate and proud of the company they work for if you haven’t invested the time to immerse them in your brand’s reason for existence and the role they play in that equation?

If you don’t find JOY in yourself, how can anyone else find it in you?

Love your brand and find joy in it, because if you don’t, how can you expect anyone else to? Leaders who manage rationally without a connection to the heart leave a lot on the table.

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